Riba and I have a long history of mutual food obsession. In high school and college, we worked in the same restaurants, and when we traveled together the summers after my first and fourth year of college, we'd fall asleep every night talking about food- reliving the food conquests of the day and fantasizing about still more foods we wanted to eat.
So really, it makes total sense that when we went to stay with her, we'd end up turning the day into a roaming food festival. It started simply enough: sleeping in after a late flight in the night before; a breakfast of waffles, eggs, and homemade jam; and the decision to walk across the Williamsburg Bridge and go to the Tenement Museum, which I'd been wanting to go to for years.
When we got to the Tenement Museum, we discovered that the tour we wanted to go on (it's not really a "museum" so much as a gift shop where you buy tickets to one of the many building tours they offer) wasn't for an hour and a half. So we had some time to kill. Or to eat. So we embarked on a whirlwind tasting tour of the neighborhood.
The tasting team:
Boa tarde!
Vejo que se divertiu na visita ao seu amigo.
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