Thursday, December 20, 2007

Raw milk and browned butter

In an end-of-the-year fit of organization, I'm cleaning out my email inbox and finding purpose for languishing but interesting bits of information. Kathryn sent me these two articles, a few months apart, united by a common theme. Cow.

The first article was about raw milk. I've been thinking about raw milk lately because when I was planning for the holiday tea, I discovered that the only true way to make clotted cream is with raw whole milk.

Article: The Udder Truth
Summarizing quote: "In the end, it seems, raw milk is a lot more complicated than the FDA and the AMA would have consumers believe. Like sushi, raw milk is a nutritionally rich food that can be contaminated if it's not fresh and prepared in an immaculate, sterile environment."

The second article was about browned butter. I've been seeing browned butter crop up in a lot more new recipes this year, and I'm a pretty big fan of the nutty, rich flavor. My favorite sole meuniere (thanks Cooks Illustrated) recipe calls for it, as does this brown sugar cookie recipe (thanks again, guys) I've become addicted to this year.

Article: Liquid Gold
Summarizing quote: "Brown butter, I quickly figured out, made everything taste better."

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