Monday, July 2, 2007

Secrets of the potato

My friend Eva was here from London until Thursday, and while she was here I learned all sorts of yummy tricks. Here are a few about potatoes:

  • Boil new potatoes with mint and then serve with butter and salt and pepper. I haven't tried this one yet, but it sounds good.
  • To achieve potato crispiness, boil new potatoes until they're tender, then roll them in olive oil and stick them in a roasting pan in a 425 degree oven for a bit, turning them once or twice, until they're crisp. Salt and pepper them at the very end. I have tried this one, along with salmon and these really good green beans that I'll also write about.
She also promised a potato recipe from her uncle, who owns a pub, and therefore I'm guessing, really knows his pub food. Roasted potatoes included.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I tried the mint recipe and it really was delicious.